Friday, February 5, 2010

Evolution of music

Music is a form of art which is produced due to some orderly vibration of sound waves with respect to time. The sound produced in such timely manner that it makes listener spellbound with its smoothness. It has always been a source of entertainment right from the times of kingdom age where kings used to have a musician-composer such as Tansen. It was considered to be such powerful that they would even used it for causing rains.

Common elements of music are pitch(melody and harmony), rhythm(tempo), dynamics(volume or sound of a note).The definition of different genre's of music vary according to these components.It has been said that Guitar is the only instruments which contains all three.

India is considered to be having one of the oldest music tradition which is known as “Indian classical music”. Ragas and Talas formed the basis of Indian classical music. Carnatic music which is one kind of Indian Classical Music has form of songs largely devoted to deities. Tradition music of china has a history of stretching around for three thousand years. Music also formed an important part of cultural and social life in ancient Greece where choruses performed for entertainment celebration and spiritual ceremonies.

Western culture of music in medieval era(500-1400) was mostly dominated by sacred and church music. The era of Boroque music(1600-1750) began when first Operas were written. The music of Classical period(1750-1800) is characterized by music which is singable and almost voice-like. Mozart is among one of the flag bearer of this kind of music. In Romantic era(1800-1900) the music used to be characterized by emotions and expressive qualities. It was after this time the melody has been considered to be the most important part of music. In this duration Beethoven took the lead with his truly melodic and emotional themes. During the late 19th century Music Concerts gained popularity among the urban society.And in 20th century Rock(A genre of Popular Music) evolved as one of the major forms of music.

Contemporary Music

Contemporary music is clearly dominated by forms of Rock music out of which Rock n Roll, Blues Country, Punk, Alternative, Heavy Metal are notable with most of them having American-African genre.It is characterized by the group of people called as -Band, playing instruments in sync. Rock music is dominated by the use if stringed instruments like Guitar, Mandolin etc with use of piano drums and base instruments.Each form of Rock Music is having difference in style of instruments it is using.

Rock n Roll is generally associated with the music in which singer is supposed to give some kind of movements on stage.Which we associated with artists like Alvis Presley. But some school of thoughts refer to Rock n Roll as simply as Rock music which is having guitars, drums, keyboard and bands playing synonymously.Beatles, Rolling Stones are known to have great influence on this form of music with record breaking success in the era of 1960-70's.

Alternative rock emerged in the era of 1980's. It consists of several sub genres that have emerged from the independent music scene.These are the kind of music which are not in mainstream genre.Most of the times it is known to be the music produced by underground artists.Flag bearers of this form of music are bands like R.E.M, Nirvana etc.

While heavy metal is dominated by the use of metal guitars with heavy use of drums, punk music is characterized by the lyrics they use which is most of the time provocative and at times abusive too. Punk Rock also characterizes by the way band play the songs on stage with full of energy and movements. They often take jumps, the even break their instruments on stage. Ramones, Sex Pistols are known to be the vanguard of this genre with success in 1980's. Heavy Metal has always been of kind of music associated with high use of Electric guitars, drums bands such as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Motorhead, Metallica know to have take it to new heights.It has a specialty of going with deliberate stress.Because of this kind of flow and style they have a fan club of peoples known as Headbangers and Metalhead.

Music whether in its Classical or in its contemporary form Rock has always been part of society. It has event cause several movements of rage, protests etc. But be it in any form it has always continue to be source of entertainment with different flavors in it.Its a restaurant which has every kind of dishes for every different kind of customer.And the most exciting thing about it is there's no boundary and even the words at times seems to be unimportant with music saying everything it wanted to say that is the power of it.

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